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40. Sayı İçindekiler
XVI. Yüzyıl Osmanlı Seyahatnâmeleri Hakkında Bir Değerlendirme
Yazar: Bilgin Aydın
Cem Emrence, Remapping the Ottoman Middle East; Modernity, Imperial Bureaucracy and the Islamic State
Yazar: Faruk Yaslıçimen
Biray Kolluoğlu & Meltem Toksöz, ed., Cities of the Mediterranean from the Ottomans to the Present Day Rahime Edibali
Yazar: Rahime Edibali - Mehmet Edibali
Gültekin Yıldız, Neferin AdıYok (Zorunlu Askerliğe Geçiş Sürecinde Osmanlı Devleti’nde Siyaset, Ordu ve Toplum 1826-1839)
Yazar: Hüseyin Demir
Kātip Çelebi’s Maps and the Visualization of Space in Ottoman Culture
Yazar: Gottfried Hagen
Sevecen Tunç, Trabzon’da Futbolun Tarihi. Mektepliler, Münevverler, Meraklılar
Yazar: A. Teyfur Erdoğdu
Others and Other Geographies in the Şehnāme-i Selīm Ĥān - Şehnāme-i Selīm Ĥān’da Ötekiler ve Öteki Coğrafyalar
Yazar: Emine Fetvacı
On two manuscripts by Abū Bakr b. Bahrām al-Dimashqī (d. 1102-1691) related to W. and J. Blaeu’s Atlas Maior
Yazar: Sonja Brentjes
Stories Never Told; The First Arabic History of the New World
Yazar: John-Paul A. Ghobrial
Five Famous Ottoman Turks of the Sixteenth Century
Yazar: Svatopluk Soucek
A.C.S. Peacock (ed.), The Frontiers of the Ottoman World
Yazar: Kahraman Şakul
The Many Lives of the First Non-Western History of the Americas; From the New Report to the History of the West Indies
Yazar: Baki Tezcan
On Mevlevi Organization
Self-Portrait of the Ottoman Red Sea, 20th of July 1777
Yazar: Alexis Wick
Creating an Ideal Self; Representations of Infidels in the Late Medieval Anatolian Frontier Narratives
Yazar: Zeynep Aydoğan
Doxiadis, Evdoxios, The Shackles of Modernity; Women, Property, and the Transition from the Ottoman Empire to the Greek State, 1750-1850
Yazar: U. Ceren Ünlü E.
A Young Man’s Fancy Turns to “Love”
Yazar: Palmira Brummett - Katherine Thompson Newell
Arabes et Turcs au Maghreb dans les années 1513-1520 d’après les Ġazavât-ı Ĥayrü-d-dîn Paşa
Yazar: Nicolas Vatin
An Ottoman Geographer Engages the Early Modern World; Katip Çelebi’s Vision of East Asia and the Pacific Rim in the Cihânnümâ
Yazar: John J. Curry
L’Afrique dans la cosmographie de Kâtib Çelebi
Yazar: Jean -Louis Bacqué-Grammont
The World of Mehmed Murad; Writing Histoires Universelles in Ottoman Turkish
Yazar: Meltem Toksöz
V.Necla Geyikdağı, Foreign Investment in the Ottoman Empire, International Trade and Relations, 1854-1914
Visualizing a Space of Encounter; Intimacy, Alterity, and Trans-Imperial Perspective in an Ottoman-Venetian Miniature Album